The Retired Leaders Fund provides long-term financial support to Tomoe Katagiri, widow of Hokyoji founder Dainin Katagiri. Many people know Tomoe as the widow of our founding teacher; she is also an accomplished master of traditional Buddhist sewing, handed down from before the time of Dogen-zenji in the 1200s. While residing in San Francisco during the 1960s, with Katagiri-roshi watching over their small children, she learned this ancient style of Buddhist sewing from her teacher, Eshun Yoshida-roshi.  We are lucky to have this great Buddhist teacher in our lives.

Tomoe’s support is provided through the Retired Leaders Fund, a fund established to provide retirement support for teachers or their spouses employed by Minnesota Zen Meditation Center during its developmental period under its founding abbot, Dainin Katagiri. To that end, Hokyoji organizes and conducts an annual pledge campaign and monitors both the amount and status of pledges made and fulfilled and the level of support Tomoe needs. Existing donors receive a yearly reminder of their pledges, and the support base is expanded as new donors are identified and contacted about opportunities for giving. Committee delegates meet regularly with Tomoe-san to review her needs and ensure an adequate level of financial support. All money donated to the Retired Leaders Fund is kept in a separate bank account and is not used for any other purpose.