Naturally Awake Retreat

A Thursday - Sunday retreat with Marc Anderson All wisdom traditions point to the same truth. Peace and cooperation are found by understanding the nature of reality, our naturally awake state of being. Most suffering stems from a felt sense of separation. We self-identify with the content of life, our thoughts and perceptions, and ignore […]

$295 – $335

Hokyoji’s True Heart Womens Retreat

This year's True Heart Women's Retreat will take place May16-19, 2024, Thursday to Sunday. Activities will include regular periods of zazen and creative activities such as writing, singing and art. We will enjoy nourishing vegetarian meals, mindful nature walks and yoga.We will have group sharing and discussion. And there will be free time in the […]


Just Sitting Retreat

Please join us in an evolving retreat format—an experiment in dedicated mindful meditation within an environment of deep silence.  A sitting schedule and silence are the bones of the retreat. There are no services, dharma talks, interviews with a teacher, formal meals or work periods.Meals, silence, sitting and sleep are the support for individual and collective mindful […]

Mahakala Radio Retreat

Bodhisattvas are motivated by far-reaching prayers born of Wisdom.  With no obstacles clouding their mind, they are free of fear and delusion.  What can the insight and prayers of Bodhisattvas teach us?  In this retreat we will practice methods that arouse the heart and dream-like ways out of the muddle. Please join us in the […]

Practicing the Way in this Very Moment

Dogen's essay "Instructions for the Cook" helps us to explore the profound preciousness of our daily lives. How do we nourish ourselves and all beings in all the hubbub? How can we help others using our past conditioning and present situation? In this retreat, we well sit zazen, engage in discussion, meet with the teacher, […]

$208 – $260

Jewel Mirror Sesshin

Please join us August 10-17 for Hokyoji's Jewel Mirror Sesshin. Hokyoji supports a variety of retreats, each with its own distinctive practice vision, perspective, and teaching style. At the Jewel Mirror Sesshin, zazen is practiced throughout the day, interspersed with formal services, oryoki-style meals, and a work period each afternoon. Three teachers will present teachings […]
