Retreats and Sesshins

Sesshin is a Japanese Zen term for an intensive meditation retreat. Retreats and sesshins offer the opportunity to dive deeply into the practice of zazen (sitting meditation) within a short period of time (one to seven days). Most practitioners begin with several one- or two-day retreats before moving on to longer ones.

For both beginning and experienced practitioners, retreats and sesshins are often challenging, both psychologically and physically.  Because the somewhat rigorous schedule is designed to push us towards our perceived limits and the experience of new possibilities, all attendees are strongly encouraged to participate fully in the entire schedule.

As exacting as retreats and sesshins may seem to be, they allow us to become aware of our deeply ingrained thought patterns and processes.  Maintaining silence, except for dharma talks and personal interviews, is a vital retreat practice.  Even though there is very little talking during retreats, we emerge with a deep sense of intimate connection with our fellow practitioners.

Hokyoji’s yearly event calendar includes retreats and sesshins offered by Hokyoji itself, as well as those offered by visiting teachers and sanghas.  The practices, forms and customs of each of these events differ; some hold more closely to Soto Zen tradition, while others follow a style and schedule all their own.  For details on retreats and sesshins offered by visiting teachers and sanghas, or to register for these events, please contact those organizations directly.

To register for a retreat, please click here to go to our calendar. And, please sign up for retreats at least 48 hours before your planned arrival.  Not only does this give us the time we need to make sure we can feed and accommodate you, it gives you the opportunity to be thoughtful about your practice commitment.

Typical One Day Mindfulness Retreat schedule

(9:00 – 10:00) Meditation instruction (optional)
9:00 am Sitting/walking meditation in zendo [15 minute bells]
10:00 Silent interval [tea, coffee, restroom, stretching]
10:20 Sitting/walking meditation in zendo [15 minute bell]
10:50 Dharma talk with questions/discussion
11:30 Silent interval
11:50 Outdoor silent walking (weather permitting)
12:30 Sitting/walking meditation in zendo [15 minute bell]
1:00 Lunch and interval (in silence)
2:00 Outdoor silent walking (weather permitting)
2:45 Sitting/walking meditation in zendo [15 minute bells]
4:00 End of Retreat

Since Covid, Hokyoji has stopped hosting the 1 Day retreats. They may resume in the future depending on interest.

Typical Hokyoji sesshin schedule

5:30 am Wake up
6:00 am Zazen (sitting meditation)
6:35 am Kinhin (walking meditation)
6:45 am Zazen
7:20 am Service
7:45 am Breakfast using oryoki
Clean up

Individual Practice
9:00 am Zazen
9:35 am Kinhin
9:45 am Zazen or dharma talk
10:40 am break
11:10 am Zazen
11:45 am Service
12:05 pm Lunch using oryoki
Clean up

Individual Practice
2:00 pm Communal work practice
3:30 pm End work
4:15 pm Zazen
4:50 pm Kinhin
5:00 pm Zazen
5:35 pm Service
6:00 pm Supper using oryoki
7:30 pm Zazen
8:05 pm Kinhin
8:15 pm Zazen
8:50 pm End of day

Typical Hokyoji sesshin schedule

5:30 am Wake up
6:00 am Zazen (sitting meditation)
6:35 am Kinhin (walking meditation)
6:45 am Zazen
7:20 am Service
7:45 am Breakfast using oryoki
Clean up

Individual Practice
9:00 am Zazen
9:35 am Kinhin
9:45 am Zazen or dharma talk
10:40 am break
11:10 am Zazen
11:45 am Service
12:05 pm Lunch using oryoki
Clean up

Individual Practice
2:00 pm Communal work practice
3:30 pm End work
4:15 pm Zazen
4:50 pm Kinhin
5:00 pm Zazen
5:35 pm Service
6:00 pm Supper using oryoki
7:30 pm Zazen
8:05 pm Kinhin
8:15 pm Zazen
8:50 pm End of day